Our outpatient substance use program is designed for adolescents, age 22 and under, along with their families who are experiencing difficulties in their lives related to substance abuse. Services available: Assessments and referrals, individual and family treatment, and sober support groups Seven Challenges® groups. Urinalysis testing is done with the initial assessment and throughout treatment.
Call us to get started: (425) 485-6541
Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration
This program services Washington State's highest risk youth, and includes drug and alcohol assessments, referrals, and individual and group treatment. All clients for this program are referred by court order.
Juvenile Intervention Program
Our program is designed for youth who have committed a first time, non-violent offense. The intervention program's objective is to provide proactive prevention and early intervention strategies to assist at-risk youth and their families in developing the skills necessary to succeed. Our goal is to reduce the likelihood of youth offending again.
Need more information or have questions? Email us at: info@northshoreyfs.org
The Seven Challenges Program
Challenging yourself to honestly look at your life, including your use of alcohol and other drugs.
Challenging yourself to look at what you like about alcohol and other drugs, and why you use them.
Challenging yourself to look at harm that has happened and could happen from your use of alcohol and other drugs.
Challenging yourself to look at your responsibility and the responsibility of others for your problems.
Challenging yourself to look at where you are headed, where you would like to go, and what you would like to accomplish.
Challenging yourself to make thoughtful decisions about your life, including your use of alcohol and other drugs.
Challenging yourself to take action and succeed with your decisions about your life and your use of alcohol and other drugs.